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Manager's 10% pay cut was a dismissal: FWC

A decision by NSW Trains to discipline a manager by shaving almost 10% off his annual pay constituted a dismissal even though he remains in the job and such action is allowed by its agreement and governing regulations, the FWC has held.

Reinstatement for worker made an "example"

The FWC has redrawn an employer's "line in the sand" over the use of mobile phones while driving forklifts, ordering it to reinstate and compensate a worker after concluding he was harshly sacked for a first safety policy breach.

Indemnity costs against worker who made "meritless" claim

The FWC has ordered indemnity costs against a financial advisor held to have pursued a "meritless" unfair dismissal application nine months after resigning and a vexatious appeal because he believed his former employer was backing out of a separation deal.

Listed company's $5m adverse action payout quashed

A full Federal Court has quashed a software company's $5.2 million general protections payout and ordered a retrial after finding that the judge in awarding record compensation to the former Victorian state manager failed to provide adequate reasons in his 350-page decision.

Graduate's voluntary work at legal firm not employment: FWC

In a decision stressing the importance of distinguishing between internships, work experience and clerkships at law firms, a FWC senior member has rejected a recent graduate's unfair dismissal claim on the basis he was not an employee.

Autism, custody dispute explain late application: FWC

A worker who says a custody dispute, a family death and high-functioning autism all contributed to his unfair dismissal application being late has won an extension of time to challenge his sacking.

FWC ends 10-year-old case despite worker's protests

A senior FWC member has declined to recuse herself before throwing out a decade-old unfair dismissal case that was put on ice indefinitely due to the worker's mental illness.

Mental health condition warrants extending time: FWC

An Uber driver accused of deliberately driving into a customer has won extra time to file an unfair dismissal claim after the FWC accepted suicidal ideation and mental incapacity following his shunting from the platform amounted to exceptional circumstances.