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Court rules employer disciplinary breach not "trivial", awards compensation

The Federal Court has awarded a nursing assistant $15,500 for her employer's failure to follow the three-strike disciplinary procedure in its enterprise agreement, but rejected her claims that it breached an implied term of trust and confidence in her employment contract.

Teacher wins reinstatement appeal

In a ruling that highlights the need for tribunal members to fully explore reinstatement options for unfairly dismissed employees, the Fair Work Commission has upheld an appeal by a Catholic teacher against a decision not to give him his job back.

Federal Court rejects bid to overturn delegate's reinstatement

The Federal Court has dismissed a stevedoring company's challenge to the interim reinstatement of a MUA delegate, despite acknowledging the company's belief that the orders undermined its authority to manage workplace bullying and harassment.

CBA tells High Court to ignore House of Lords "trust and confidence" ruling

In one of the most significant employment law cases in the last hundred years, a former Commonwealth Bank executive asked the High Court on Monday to balance the "ledger" by recognising the existence of an implied term of trust and confidence in all Australian employment contracts, while the bank warned it against adopting English law.

Prison officer involved in custody death wins court appeal

A senior prison officer's long-running bid to keep his job remains alive after he successfully challenged a ruling by a NSW IRC full bench that upheld threats to dismiss him for failing to follow correct procedures in an incident that led to the death of a prisoner.

Coalition defers Labor’s gender reporting changes

Gender reporting requirements for businesses with more than 100 employees will stay as they are for another year, while new minimum reporting standards will apply to non-government employers with more than 500 employees from October, Employment Minister Eric Abetz has announced.

Regular overtime should be counted as income: Full bench

In an important decision, a Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled that regular overtime can be classified as earnings when determining whether the remuneration of workers making unfair dismissal claims is below the statutory limit.

No mistakes in doctor reinstatement ruling, tribunal bench finds

In a long-running case with numerous twists and turns, an unfairly dismissed anaesthetist has again failed to win his job back after a Fair Work Commission full bench ruled there were no errors in Deputy President Val Gostencnik's decision that Barwon Health's loss of trust and confidence in him made reinstatement inappropriate.

FWC bench backs sacking of social media policy objector

A warehouse worker who claimed Linfox's social media rules infringed his "freedom of speech" has failed to overturn a ruling that his dismissal for repeated disregard of the company's policies was not unfair.