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Agri Labour facing new underpayments claim

After providing $150,000 to settle an underpayments claim brought by five fruit pickers last year, labour hire company Agri Labour Australia is facing a new claim from 26 seasonal workers alleging they were short-paid more than $200,000.

Employer lacked reasonable basis for flexibility veto: Bench

An FWC full bench has upheld a finding that Victoria Police lacked reasonable business grounds to refuse a long-serving detective's request, under a "right to flexible working arrangements" clause, for extra rest days as he makes a transition to retirement.

Pre-trial order for AFP to give statements to AWU

The Federal Court has ordered that the AFP produce statements made by former Employment Minister Michaelia Cash and three other witnesses during the police inquiry into media leaks about raids on the union's offices in 2017.

Employer produced "reconstructed" records: FWO

The Fair Work Ombudsman has launched the first legal action using new reverse onus of proof provisions that require employers to disprove underpayment claims if they have not kept adequate records.

Union watchdog investigating Victorian HSU branch

The HSU's Victorian No 1 branch says a Registered Organisations Commission investigation into claims it cashed-out leave and RDOs to fund a private legal bid refers to secretary Diana Asmar's successful 2014 court action that knocked out two leadership challengers.

Deals sunk by HR team's "deficient" roadshows: FWC

The failure of a construction company's HR team to adequately explain two proposed "baseline agreements" or provide access to relevant awards has proven fatal to their approval, the FWC finding that other issues of non-compliance could have been dealt with by undertakings.

Court bites back against 7-Eleven cash-backs

The Federal Circuit Court has fined a former 7-Eleven operator more than $154,000 for using a cash-back scheme to circumvent a biometric payroll system introduced by head office to stamp out underpayments.

Court reconsiders "ordinary and customary turnover" escape clause

In a case clarifying when employers must make redundancy payments, the Federal Court has rejected claims by Spotless Services Australia Ltd that it was not obliged to pay severance to three Perth International Airport workers due to an exemption for ordinary and customary turnover of labour.

Seven-month "leave blackout" breached deal: FWC

A council's imposition of a seven-month "leave blackout" period in a quest for greater efficiencies has run foul of the FWC, the tribunal finding its failure to consult workers over the policy breached best practice and notification provisions in its agreement.

Court imposes big fine for MUA's contempt

Victoria's Supreme Court has lobbed a $125,000 contempt fine against the CFMMEU for pre-amalgamation MUA leaders' speeches to picketers at a Melbourne container terminal, finding the union made a calculated decision that its interests would be well served by flouting "no go" orders.