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Newsflash: High Court rejects Qantas outsourcing challenge

The High Court has today unanimously held that Qantas took unlawful adverse action against nearly 2000 former ground crew when it outsourced their jobs at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, when their agreements were due to nominally expire.

Threat of prison, big fines for wage theft

Employers face ten years in prison and maximum fines of $8 million or up to three times the stolen sum if it exceeds the cap, under new criminal sanctions in the Albanese Government's "Closing Loopholes" legislation, to be introduced into Federal Parliament tomorrow.

FWC gig power confined to platform workers: Burke

The Albanese Government's legislation to empower the FWC to set minimum standards for "employee-like" gig economy workers will apply only to work performed through digital labour platforms, Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke will reveal in a speech to the National Press Club tomorrow.

Employer made wrong call in blocking safety inspection: Court

A court has roasted a construction contractor for the "deficient evidence" it relied on for its "complete denial" that it breached entry laws when it blocked CFMMEU officials from inspecting a suspected safety flaw they identified after entering a site to examine another possible contravention.

FSU wins $3 million for CommBank's tea break "fiasco"

The FSU says Commonwealth Bank retail workers forced to work through their 10-minute tea breaks for the past six years will be compensated, after it won a $3 million settlement of its $45 million Federal Court claim.

Rentokil workers reinstated after FWC finds bug in process

In a decision highlighting the importance of clear policies and adequate investigations, the FWC has ordered Rentokil to reinstate three sales workers summarily sacked for sharing their commissions after finding it a longstanding practice.

Director liable for underpayments despite limited understanding: Court

In a significant decision on directors' liability for underpayments, a court has found that although the co-founder of Chatime was unaware the bubble-tea chain was in breach of workplace laws, he understood enough about award obligations around casual and weekend penalty rates to be considered complicit.