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Pickers win settlement as labour hire company again digs deep

The labour hire company that last year laid out $150,000 to settle an underpayments claim brought by five fruit pickers has settled another case on behalf of more than 20 workers with "acceptable monetary terms" and the right to return to work.

Bundy deceit justifies sacking, says FWC

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of an armoured vehicle operator who admitted that he might not have persevered with his case had his employer granted earlier access to "quite damning" CCTV footage

Government department denied worker natural justice

In a decision probing the practical application of natural justice and procedural fairness principles in a public transport provider's disciplinary process, the FWC has held that it fell short in concluding that a tram driver tried to "wilfully mislead" an investigation.

APRA proposes post-Hayne finance bonus overhaul

Regulator APRA is calling for submissions on a proposed shake-up of financial institutions' pay structures that would ensure no more than half of an employee's bonus is linked to fiscal performance measures, allow "clawbacks" and make boards oversee their entire workforce's remuneration.

Court to hear s-x-shop "overseer" underpaid

A s-x-shop sales worker and "booth" monitor is suing his employer for more than $30,000 in alleged underpayments he claims to be owed under the general retail award, while also suggesting that it wrongly classified him as a casual employee.

Deliveroo worker pursuing sham contract case

A Deliveroo rider has launched a sham contracting test case, claiming the company should have paid him almost twice as much, as a casual employee rather than per delivery as an independent contractor, given a "batching system" that weighted individual performance factors.

ETU readies for action over underpaid casuals

The ETU's newly re-elected leadership has reaffirmed its commitment to pursue underpayments to long-term casuals, vowing to conduct a targeted national program of timesheet and wage record inspections to build its case.