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Bench shaves $48K off CFMMEU penalties over double dip

In a significant ruling on how Fair Work Act breaches are to be assessed, a Federal Court full bench has invoked double jeopardy principles to strip $48,000 off penalties awarded against the CFMMEU and one of its organisers.

Sick McDonald's workers told to find own cover, claims union

RAFFWU is suing a McDonald's franchise that allegedly required workers to find a replacement if they took sick leave, told them they had to call in sick by 10pm the night before scheduled shifts and denied them proper breaks.

Senior MUA official loses entry permit

The FWC has refused to renew MUA Sydney branch secretary Paul McAleer's entry permit, ruling that he has "repeatedly preferred the interests of his union and/or its members over compliance with industrial laws."

FWC releases "business needs" brake on reclassification

The FWC has ordered aerospace company Boeing to promptly deal with a tradesperson's reclassification bid, finding the company's repeated refusal to do so in breach of its enterprise agreement.

Senate to conduct inquiry into wage "theft"

The Senate has approved a wide-ranging inquiry into wage and superannuation "theft" by employers, despite the Morrison Government arguing it is not needed.

AWU's Walton responds to ex-official's harassment claim

The AWU has hit back at a Federal Circuit Court claim in which its former WA branch vice president is accusing the union of sacking her because she complained about alleged sexual harassment.

Kmart deal set to pass despite ballot flaws

Wesfarmers subsidiary Kmart wrongly permitted new recruits to vote for its latest agreement even though they were not engaged until after the access period, according to an FWC full bench that has nevertheless quashed an earlier rejection of the deal and invited submissions on an undertaking to provide choice of super fund.

"People like you can't get pregnant" remark justified sacking

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of an Energy Australia employee who told one colleague she could not get pregnant due to her sexuality and suggested to another that he was related to Deepak Chopra because of his Indian descent.