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ASU unhappy with Qantas contrition payment

The ASU has hit out at the FWO for letting Qantas off with a $390,500 "slap on the wrist" contrition fine for underpaying 640 misclassified head office workers by about $7.1 million, but the airline says its self-reported error also led to about $22 million in overpayments.

Organisations warned over dodgy car sales

Unions and employer groups have been warned over claims that cars are being sold below market value to deliver "windfall gains" to employees, officials and third parties.

Court upholds ABCC compulsory examination notice

In rejecting an individual's claim that an ABCC notice to attend an examination was invalid as it did not enable her to decide whether she needed to answer all of its questions, the Federal Court has also contradicted the agency's position on the level of detail it must provide.

CFMMEU "whistleblowers" get their day in court

The Federal Court this morning kicks off a fortnight of hearings into allegations that the CFMMEU's construction division ousted two organisers in 2015 for whistleblowing.

Give FWC anti-harassment powers: AHRC report

Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins in her report of the national inquiry into sexual harassment has recommended the FWC gain new powers to issue orders to halt the conduct, similar to its ability to make anti-bullying orders.

Permit renewal not "reward" for abiding by laws: FWC

A senior FWC member has rebutted ABCC arguments that entry permit holders should not be "rewarded" for exercising their rights without incident, observing in the course of a renewal application that such behaviour simply be accorded "appropriate weight" when applying the 'fit and proper person' test.

Wage theft Bill to "pierce the corporate veil"

The Victorian Government intends to "pierce the corporate veil" with its forthcoming legislation to introduce criminal penalties for the worst cases of underpayment and exploitation.

Jetstar workers spurn TWU "no" campaign

Jetstar in winning support for a four-year deal from its ground staff at six major airports has outplayed the TWU after it ran a strong campaign against the deal and subjected the airline to rolling stoppages.

McAleer loses appeal over withdrawn entry permit

An FWC full bench has rejected MUA Sydney branch secretary Paul McAleer's appeal against being denied an entry permit, finding a tribunal member held no obligation to signal that the official might have his rights withdrawn after 12 years due to a history of industrial law breaches.

We did answer the question: Ross to fellow judges

An FWC bench led by Justice Iain Ross has shot back at a full Federal Court direction to properly answer a question posed by the president himself, maintaining it had already done so before highlighting the relevant passages.