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"Unsteady" paramedic wins second chance to get job back

A paramedic sacked for allegedly self-medicating with a pain relief drug while on duty will get another chance to push for reinstatement, with Queensland's Industrial Court upholding his challenge to a decision dismissing his application.

COVID-19 variations impel new take on safety net: Employers

The coronavirus pandemic requires a temporary but fundamental reconsideration of the Fair Work Act's safety net, according to a joint bid to vary a key award to provide substantial operational and hours flexibility.

AiG and ACTU to seek rapid COVID-19 award changes

The Australian Industry Group is working with the ACTU to fast-track changes to key awards to increase the flexibility of working hours and leave in response to the coronavirus crisis.

Bench quashes compensation for "intentionally deviant" mineworker

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision to compensate an "intentionally deviant" mineworker, finding a tribunal member wrongly focussed on a BHP subsidiary's perceived failure to follow its Fair Play disciplinary guidelines.

Bench queries advice in "hopeless" case

An FWC full bench has taken aim at the legal advice given to a group of Coles distribution centre workers who over the course of four years and four adverse findings continued to pursue what ultimately became a "hopeless" case related to their work duties.

Court allows workers to maintain class action

The Federal Court has refused to "declass", provide an "opt-in" or make a common fund order for a major class action that is seeking entitlements for at least 3350 telecommunications workers allegedly misclassified as subcontractors.

Court fines employer for hampering entry rights

A court has penalised an early learning centre that refused on the basis of an alleged threat to its workers' "health and wellbeing" to allow a union organiser use its staff room to hold discussions, directing her instead to a storage room.

Wage theft legislation introduced in Victoria

The Victorian Government has pushed ahead with legislation to create a criminal offence for deliberate underpayment, defying employer calls for it to be scrapped or delayed.

Full bench recusal advice not sticking

Another FWC member has rejected full bench advice that they should, in the face of objections, withdraw from arbitrating disputes they have previously conciliated, dismissing claims she displayed "antipathy" towards the union seeking her recusal.