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Stood down workers seek clarity on leave entitlements

A Federal Court judge has promised today to rule swiftly on whether Qantas employees stood down due to the coronavirus pandemic can access paid personal (sick) leave, carers' leave and compassionate leave.

Personal payment orders for entry-breaching CFMMEU official

A CFMMEU official who had already clocked almost $40,000 in penalties for entry breaches has today landed a $10,000 personal payment order for entering a site to exercise an OHS right, just a month after surrendering his permit.

One Key class action to test vulnerable worker provisions

The law firm behind a multi-million-dollar class action against labour hire provider One Key Resources and One Key Holdings says it will test the ability of vulnerable workers legislation to hold parent companies to account.

ROC's AWU appeal heads to court; Employer body probe completed

The Registered Organisation Commission's challenge to the Federal Court's quashing of its investigation into the AWU's past donations is set to be heard next month, while the regulator has completed its investigation of an employer organisation and is awaiting advice on whether it will deregister before taking further action.

Chief executive's dismissal challenge backfires spectacularly

A court has given a publicly-listed veterinary pharmaceutical company the go-ahead to pursue its former chief executive for a significant portion of more than US$400,000 paid to settle assault and s-x discrimination cases brought by two members of its marketing team.

"Sleazy" Qantas engineer's sacking justified: FWC

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a veteran Qantas engineer who slapped a flight attendant on the bottom and said he caused a mechanical issue so he could ask her out, rejecting his claim assault allegations should have required a higher burden of proof.

Rare injunction puts lid back on confidential material

In a rare on-the-papers determination of an injunction application, Victoria's Supreme Court has stopped a biotech company's logistics officer from disclosing confidential information about its products and commercial arrangements.

COVID-19 redundancies didn't follow script: FWC

In the first significant pandemic-related dispute over mass lay-offs to come before the FWC, the Federal Court's transcription service provider has been criticised for making "hollow" consultation promises and reminded to treat workers "with dignity in this time of crisis".