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COVID-19 clerks award change past use-by date: Union

The ASU says it will object to extending a coronavirus-driven variation to the clerks' award because it has been "superseded" by JobKeeper and Fair Work Act changes, dismissing the employer bid as an attack on the award system.

"Contrite" ABC made to pay for short-changing employees

In the FWO's first "contrition payment" extracted from another federal public body, the ABC has agreed to pay $600,000 and enter into an enforceable undertaking after admitting it underpaid 1900 past and current employees more than $12 million.

"Strange" timing as council scraps work-from-home custom

In a case of curious timing, the FWC has endorsed a council's mid-pandemic scrapping of an enduring work-from-home arrangement on the basis it fell outside the purview of a flexible work agreement clause.

"Zoned out" truckie's sacking upheld

The FWC has upheld the summary dismissal of a truck driver who failed to provide a urine sample after a three-hour wait at a medical clinic, finding he did not make a reasonable effort to fix the problem.

Names on ballots didn't invalidate virus-driven vote: FWC

The FWC has let a construction company bin a 5% pay rise that came into effect in February plus next year's increase, despite CFMMEU evidence that some workers felt pressured to support the COVID-19 variation in a ballot that identified their vote.

Melbourne Uni staff rebuff coronavirus agreement change

The University of Melbourne says it will "move towards inevitable workforce reductions" after staff rejected a COVID-19 variation proposal to permanently remove their latest pay rise and introduce a new voluntary redundancy package.

Big miner penalised after HR manager's "opaque" evidence

A judge has highlighted an HR manager's "opaque" attempts at explanation in deciding to fine mining giant Glencore for failing to pay a retrenched employee his full entitlement for untaken long service leave.

Zombie deal paid for up to 55 hours a week: Merivale

Merivale has hit back at a class action's claims it underpaid thousands of salaried employees and others engaged under a pre-Fair Work "zombie" deal and is maintaining it can use overpayments to offset additional entitlements.

Probe led to MBAV abandoning elections exemption

The MBAV this year applied to revoke a 30-year-old exemption that enabled it to conduct its own elections, after an inquiry by the ROC into the conduct of the employer body's 2018 ballot.