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Safety rep sacked for "non-event" ignored critical protocols: FWC

In a decision highlighting the importance of strictly following safety procedures, the FWC has upheld Griffin Coal's sacking of a safety representative over an incident he considered a "non-event" and an investigation team deemed minor.

ClubsNSW denies "whistleblower's" sham contracting claim

ClubsNSW is pushing back against a compliance auditor's sham contracting and defamation claims, while also pursuing him in another court for leaking an "alarming" board document to independent MP Andrew Wilkie.

Court confirms big employer's redundancy payment for reducing hours

In a significant judgment examining the interplay between employment relationships and employment contracts, the Federal Court has dismissed a major employer's appeal against a ruling it owed a cleaner redundancy pay after reducing her hours from full to part-time.

COVID-19 clerks award change past use-by date: Union

The ASU says it will object to extending a coronavirus-driven variation to the clerks' award because it has been "superseded" by JobKeeper and Fair Work Act changes, dismissing the employer bid as an attack on the award system.

"Contrite" ABC made to pay for short-changing employees

In the FWO's first "contrition payment" extracted from another federal public body, the ABC has agreed to pay $600,000 and enter into an enforceable undertaking after admitting it underpaid 1900 past and current employees more than $12 million.

"Strange" timing as council scraps work-from-home custom

In a case of curious timing, the FWC has endorsed a council's mid-pandemic scrapping of an enduring work-from-home arrangement on the basis it fell outside the purview of a flexible work agreement clause.

"Zoned out" truckie's sacking upheld

The FWC has upheld the summary dismissal of a truck driver who failed to provide a urine sample after a three-hour wait at a medical clinic, finding he did not make a reasonable effort to fix the problem.