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Award severance clause trumps incapacity provision: Bench

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision to reduce a $12,000 retrenchment payout to zero, ruling that the Fair Work Act's "incapacity to pay" provisions don't apply when the entitlement arises from a source such as an award.

Redundancy genuine despite HR team's pratfalls

The FWC has accepted an employer's explanation that the "incompetency" of its HR team led it to advertising a redundant position less than two months later and subsequently inviting a former employee to "recommence" his role.

Senior tribunal member tiptoes through JobKeeper minefield

The FWC has refused to express a view on whether an NRMA-owned cruise operator should be able to withhold JobKeeper payments for a fortnight in which it provided more than $1500 in back pay due under a newly-approved deal.

Sacking costs listed company $1.1m despite unsigned contract

An ASX-listed investment house that summarily dismissed an executive director without explanation must pay $1.1 million in damages, after the absence of a signed contract left a court to assess her implied bonus and notice terms.

Heavy fines for employer that orchestrated safety rep's dismissal

An employer and director have been hit with near-maximum fines totalling $60,000 in recognition of the seriousness of the "contrived" dismissal of an OHS representative who raised safety concerns with the workplace regulator.

IBM's pay regime didn't compute: FWO

IT giant IBM has backpaid about 1650 workers more than $12.3 million after it failed to provide award entitlements to workers it regarded as "salaried professionals", while it faces a "contrition payment" of at least $676,000 under an enforceable undertaking with the workplace watchdog.

Worker weaponises employer's adverse action response

The FWC has rejected a company's objections and given the go-ahead for a worker who settled a general protections claim to use its response in that matter to run an underpayments case in the South Australian Employment Tribunal.

Unions back Bain's Virgin takeover

Unions have vowed to hold new Virgin Australia owner Bain Capital accountable for its promises, after they were among key creditors that backed a deed of company arrangement to complete the sale process for the stricken airline.