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Single loaded rate unlikely, says FWC president

If the FWC incorporates loaded rates in hospitality and retail awards after a referral from IR Minister Christian Porter, it is likely to involve a range of such rates rather than a single one, the tribunal's president indicated in a statement today.

Employer took "kitchen sink" approach to allegations: FWC

The FWC has awarded $8000 compensation to an airport employee who transferred sensitive files from his work computer onto a personal USB, finding the employer took a "kitchen sink" approach to allegations used to justify his summary dismissal.

Qantas says ruling confirms ATO's JobKeeper advice

Qantas has welcomed today's full Federal Court majority ruling in the Jobkeeper Case, saying it made the wage subsidy payments to employees in accordance with ATO advice.

ATO flouted agreement's WFH regime: Union

The ASU is challenging the ATO's COVID-19 emergency work-from-home arrangements and its ability to quickly call employees back to the office, accusing it in a Federal Court adverse action case of breaching the terms of its agreement.

AWU seeks to axe horticulture pieceworker "loophole"

The AWU is seeking to delete a decade-old pieceworker provision in the horticulture award that it claims leaves affected workers with no safety net and substandard rates of pay.

Settlement offer cruels attempt to reduce redundancy

A recruitment company that sought to slash a marketing coordinator's hours by 75% before making her redundant has failed to convince the FWC that it should reduce her payout to zero.

Pandemic drives rise in migrant worker exploitation: Report

The underpayment of migrant workers significantly worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a large Unions NSW audit revealing 88% of a sample of foreign language job ads in the state offered below award wages.

Organiser's permit suspended despite playing "inexperience" card

A union official has had his entry permit suspended for three months despite the FWC accepting that his inexperience, having "come off the tools" only months earlier, played a part in his organising of an unlawful stopwork four years ago.