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FSU urging full bench to reject "oversold" CBA deal

After accusing the Commonwealth Bank of using "bribes" and threats to force a non-union deal down workers' throats, the FSU is now objecting to its FWC approval at the same time as running a test case to claw back superannuation it claims should be paid on leave loading.

Unions frothing over BHP's new alcohol policy

Mining unions are seeking an urgent meeting with BHP Billiton over a new alcohol policy limiting workers at remote camps to four standard drinks per day.

Director to serve jail time for workplace death

The director of a shed-building company has become the first person to be sentenced to serve a prison term under Western Australia's workplace safety and health laws.

Ravbar put through ABCC mincer over entry permit

The ABCC's recent good run against the CFMMEU has continued after the FWC confirmed a high-profile union leader seeking a new entry permit would first have to plumb 14 years of internal communications to ascertain what role, if any, he had in trying to temper the organisation's rule-breaking ways.

Tribunal delivers blow to gig platform's employment model

Deliveroo says it won't accept a FWC finding that a sacked rider was an employee entitled to protection from unfair dismissal or that it reflects how riders work in practice, but the TWU says the ruling puts Australia in line with other countries that recognise gig workers' rights.

Second-time-around sacking unfair without fresh evidence: FWC

A government agency has been ordered to reinstate a worker dismissed a year after it attributed a workplace vehicle collision to "human error", the FWC finding it had produced no further evidence to warrant the change of heart.

Union demerger rules reach back 30 years: AG's Department

In the wake of the hasty passage of legislation six months ago to enable the CFMMEU's mining division to go its own way, the Attorney-General's Department says that eligible constituent parts of unions and other registered organisations can apply to demerge if they have amalgamated since early 1991.

Telstra made fair call on safety rep's redundancy: FWC

The FWC has found a Telstra HR specialist properly handled an OHS representative's challenge to his retrenchment, despite the CEPU contending his selection was "infected by bias" due to his role and a history of interpersonal conflict with his manager.

FEG allocations reduced, as businesses stay afloat

The Morrison Government has cut back funding for the Fair Entitlements Guarantee in the 2021-22 Federal Budget, but still expects an increase in claims as COVID-19 support for business is wound back and more employers go into liquidation.

Union to seek urgent dispute hearing after injunction bid

The Federal Court has today refused a rail union bid to stop the retrenchment and redeployment of employees of Melbourne public transport operator Metro Trains, after the company gave an undertaking it wouldn't proceed while the RTBU seeks an expedited dispute hearing in the FWC.