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Hospitals face rash of junior doctor class actions

Victoria's Alfred Health and St Vincent's Health have become the latest public hospital operators targeted by a swathe of class actions seeking six years of unpaid overtime on behalf of current and former junior doctors.

Former CFMMEU branch president unfit to hold entry permit: Bench

A FWC full bench has upheld as "legally rational and reasonably available" a finding that CFMMEU construction and general division WA branch organiser Walter "Vinnie" Molina is not a fit and proper person to hold an entry permit.

Novavax-awaiting paramedic fails to win anti-sacking order

A paramedic who claims an Ambulance Victoria IR strategist refused to permit her to take long service leave while she waits for the non-MRNA Novavax has failed to obtain interim orders stopping it from dismissing her while she participates in a group challenge to its vaccine mandate.

Consultation critical for vax-mandating employers after key ruling

The key lesson from last week's Mt Arthur ruling by a five-member FWC full bench is that employers that impose vaccination mandates not required by public health orders must comply with consultation obligations, according to the coal mining union's legal director.

McDonald's faces class action over allegedly unpaid breaks

McDonald's has been hit with a second Federal Court case over its alleged failure to provide paid rest breaks, with a RAFFWU-backed class action claiming thousands of past and present workers are potentially owed millions over the "systemic" issue.

NAB's "overworked" managers to sue

The FSU says it will sue the National Australia Bank after a survey of more than 1000 middle managers revealed widespread excessive unpaid work and "unbearable levels of stress and anxiety", but the bank says there is no such expectation of extra hours.

High Court hears prior conduct case as CFMMEU fined $460K

The financial implications of the ABCC's Pattinson High Court case being heard today have been reinforced by the Federal Court's latest ruling against the CFMMEU, a judge acknowledging that while the $460,000 fine factored in the union's long history of contraventions it still needed to be "proportionate" to the breaches involved.

NSW laws to protect ratepayers from slavery's "taint"

NSW's Modern Slavery Act has won Royal Assent after three years in limbo, imposing reporting obligations on local councils, government agencies and statutory corporations and establishing an independent anti-slavery commissioner.

FWC full bench rules BHP's vax mandate "unreasonable"

In a decision that threatens to undermine employer attempts to impose COVID-19 vaccination mandates, a five-member FWC bench has ruled BHP failed to adequately consult with workers at its Mt Arthur mine before announcing deadlines on site access.

NTEU trumpets "status quo-shaking" workload ruling

In a workloads decision the NTEU says will "shake the status quo at the foundations", the FWC has held a university's model breached its agreement as it is not based on quantitative standards and "strays too far" from what the evidence points to as a median requirement.