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Abetz complains to ASIC over employer's "contrivance"

The Department of Employment has referred to the corporate watchdog allegations that a textile company entered into “contrived arrangements” to avoid paying redundancy entitlements to 60 workers.

Super, wages, up from July 1

Higher superannuation contributions and federal minimum wage rates are - along with new federal senators taking their seats - among the changes due to take effect from Tuesday, July 1.

Big fine for "deliberate" sham contracting

The Federal Circuit Court has imposed $313,500 in penalties on a company in the Roy Morgan Group for sham contracting, ruling the contraventions were deliberate and directed by senior management.

Serial fraudster pockets nearly half a million

In what four judges agree is an "extraordinary case" involving a "spectacularly bad witness" and a "serial fraudster", a Swan Hill shop assistant will keep almost half a million dollars in back pay and interest after a full Federal Court confirmed that she had not agreed to work for nothing.

Rewarding workers with Coke and pizza belongs in dark ages: Court

Giving teenage employees free and discounted pizzas and soft drink instead of wages – a practice belonging "in the dark ages rather than twenty first century Australia" – has cost a pizza franchise operator $335,000 in fines.

FWC refuses to halt Patrick retrenchments

The Fair Work Commission will allow Patrick Stevedores to proceed with job cuts at the Port of Melbourne, after rejecting an MUA bid for an interim restraining order because the balance of convenience lay with the employer.

Full Federal Court weighs up Toyota "no extra claims" clause

Toyota's best chance of overturning last year's ruling that stopped its employees voting on the company's proposed changes to its Altona enterprise agreement appear to rest with its argument that the "no extra claims" clause in the deal is directly inconsistent with the Fair Work Act, after other appeal grounds fell away in argument before the full Federal Court yesterday.

FWC rules CFMEU record not a factor in entry permit bid

The Fair Work Commission has granted an entry permit to a CFMEU construction and general division organiser, rejecting the FWBC's argument that it was obliged to give weight to the union's poor record of compliance with industrial laws.

Employer pays for "naive and unacceptable" interpretation of employment contract

A finance broking house that issued a Brisbane-based employee five payslips in six years and employed him on a commission-based agreement that it believed did not entitle him to base salary, sick pay, annual leave and superannuation entitlements has been ordered to pay him almost $124,000 in penalties.