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Change Act to open way for penalty rate reduction: Restaurants

The former Labor Government's changes to the modern award objective have made it impossible for 24/7 industries such as hospitality to successfully prosecute cases to abolish penalty rates and should be scrapped, according to the peak body for restaurant employers.

Linfox recommends one-out-all-out for entry permit abuses

The NUW says there is no basis for a Linfox Australia submission to the Productivity Commission that recommends a radical overhaul of entry laws and cites a "case study" that criticises the union's conduct at a major retailer's warehouse.

Abolish wage discounts for over-18s: Small business advocate

The Office of the Australian Small Business Commissioner is pushing for the full adult wage to be paid from the age of 18, questioning the rationale behind the IR system "deeming adulthood to commence at 21".

Court rejects costs bid but questions FWBC's actions

A judge has raised questions about the FWBC's exercise of discretion in its failed pursuit of a "very small" business for sham contracting, but has accepted that the watchdog didn't initiate the case without reasonable cause.

"Grotesque" abuse of 457 visa program by employer: Judge

An illiterate Indian cook who spoke no English has won $200,000 in compensation from a Sydney restaurant that brought him to Australia and employed him in conditions a judge said were "akin to slavery" and raised questions about the integrity of the 457 visa program.

Full court finds Government's offshore exclusion invalid

A full Federal Court has struck down the Coalition's attempt to exclude foreign workers on offshore resources projects from Australian labour standards, throwing their employment status into doubt.

Beans or peas? Court finds Odco-contractors are employees

A full Federal Court has ruled that two housekeepers who were pushed onto Odco-style independent contractor arrangements continued to be employees after the purported conversion, but also found that their employer had not contravened the Fair Work Act's sham contracting provisions.

Late wages "penalty" can be included in modern awards: FWC

A four-member Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled that the tribunal has the power to insert in modern awards a provision penalising employers for late payment of wages, but has left it to another bench to decide next week whether the proposal has merit.

Victorian Coalition could have breached laws: FWO

The Fair Work Ombudsman has found links between the former Victorian Coalition Government's budget cuts and public sector employment practices that could have breached the Fair Work Act.

Deliberate dishonesty justified instant dismissal: Federal Court

A five-member bench of the Federal Court has ruled that a company was entitled to summarily dismiss an executive employee for serious misconduct that destroyed the relationship of trust between them, even though it had moved earlier to terminate his employment on six months' notice.