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Greens to refer 4 Corners "slavery" allegations to inquiry

The Greens will refer allegations of exploitation of foreign workers on farms and in food processing plants to a Senate inquiry into the working visa system, according to its IR spokesperson, Adam Bandt.

Mother resuming work to get full pay, after FWC ruling

Australia's largest rail freight operator, Aurizon, has been ordered to provide the full pro-rata rate of pay to a train driver who was to receive a reduced amount under a compassionate grounds/short-term medical disability clause when she returned part-time from maternity leave.

Look to Kiwi solution for good faith in employment: Riley

Australia could consider adopting a Kiwi-style statutory good faith obligation after the High Court's finding that there is no implied duty of mutual trust and confidence in employment contracts, according to a senior law academic.

New permit for CFMEU leader, despite FWBC opposition

The FWC has issued a new, unconditional entry permit to the CFMEU construction and general division's Queensland leader, rejecting the building watchdog's argument that it should be withheld because of union conduct that has attracted more than $900,000 in fines during his eight years as "ringmaster".

Bench upholds orders for Glencore Xstrata to produce documents

A Fair Work Commission full bench has rejected Glencore Xstrata's challenge to orders requiring the company to provide the tribunal with documents relating to its staffing decisions last year at its Collinsville open cut coal mine.

Change Act to open way for penalty rate reduction: Restaurants

The former Labor Government's changes to the modern award objective have made it impossible for 24/7 industries such as hospitality to successfully prosecute cases to abolish penalty rates and should be scrapped, according to the peak body for restaurant employers.

Linfox recommends one-out-all-out for entry permit abuses

The NUW says there is no basis for a Linfox Australia submission to the Productivity Commission that recommends a radical overhaul of entry laws and cites a "case study" that criticises the union's conduct at a major retailer's warehouse.