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Dragline not the right place for discussions, says FWC

The CFMEU is considering whether to appeal after it was refused permission to hold talks in a BHP Coal mine's dragline crib rooms because it was a "functional work area", rather than a meal or break area.

Labor backs ChAFTA after securing amendments

Federal Labor says it is ready to support the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement after securing "legally binding safeguards" requiring labour market testing, use of enterprise agreements as a reference point for 457 visa workers' salaries and a 90-day deadline on obtaining occupational or trades licences.

HR manager fined for role in employer's notice breach

A HR manager has been fined more than $1,000 by the Federal Circuit Court for the part she played in her employer's provision of insufficient notice when dismissing an injured employee.

New ministerial working group on foreign worker exploitation to meet next week

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has set up a ministerial working group that she says will "consider further policy options" to curb exploitation of "vulnerable" foreign visa workers and might lead to Fair Work Act reform proposals that would be taken to the next election.

Court rules that adhering to retrenchment clause an "obligation"

A full Federal Court majority has today found that a passively-worded redundancy clause in a university's enterprise agreement imposes firm obligations on it to exhaust other options before proceeding with compulsory redundancies.

FWC to hear bid to reverse Coles agreement; and more

FWC bench to hear bid to overturn Coles deal approval; Heydon not planning to recall Shorten, but Howes set to appear; Ballot gets the go-ahead despite employer objections; Queensland FIFO report recommends workforce, accommodation laws; High Court confirms role of hindsight in determining injury claims; and Employers, unions decry threats to freedom of association.