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Extended undertaking saves agreement termination for Loy Yang

An FWC full bench has refused to overturn the termination of the agreement for the Loy Yang power station and coal mine, after it accepted that the company's commitment to extend employment protections to three years compensated for an error in the initial tribunal ruling.

PM calls for multi-year penalties phase-in

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull wants the Fair Work Commission to phase-in the planned cuts to some Sunday penalty rates over a period of years, to ensure that workers' take-home pay is protected, while the tribunal has timetabled the next stage of the penalties case.

CUB and ETU give their accounts of labour hire dispute

Carlton & United Breweries and the ETU in submissions to a Senate inquiry have provided conflicting accounts of last year's dispute over the use of labour hire employees at the company's Abbotsford brewery.

FWC cuts Sunday, public holiday penalties

The FWC has reduced Sunday penalty rates in the hospitality, retail, fast food and pharmacy sectors and pared-back public holiday penalties in five awards, in a landmark ruling today by a five-member full bench.

BlueScope change consultation not fair, genuine: FWC

The Fair Work Commission has ordered BlueScope Steel to consult with a group of maintenance workers at its Port Kembla steelworks, after finding it failed to comply with the terms of a landmark 2015 enterprise agreement that reduced wages and reformed work practices to keep the plant open.

FWC orders Australia Post to produce Metcher report

The FWC has ordered Australia Post to allow Employment Minister Michaelia Cash to inspect the report of a confidential investigation into an employee's allegations against former CEPU leader Jim Metcher, after rejecting claims the document is privileged.