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Guard "ambushed" over misconduct claims: FWC

A large employer's failure to tell an employee what claims were being investigated before conducting a recorded interview was among a number of flaws identified by the FWC in a procedurally "infected" dismissal.

Employer given "difficult task" to make deal compliant

An employer has been set the challenge of reverse engineering an agreement rejected on the basis it was not genuinely agreed, after the FWC observed that while achievable through undertakings it was nonetheless a "difficult task".

Contentious three-worker deal makes "business sense": Bench

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision not to approve a deal struck between Thiess and three pre-contract employees on the basis it was not genuinely agreed, remitting the Mount Pleasant mine agreement to a single member for redetermination.

Marketers' alleged 'control' of workers detailed in class action claims

Two big international direct marketing companies exercised control over workers who were engaged as independent contractors to sell products or solicit donations to major corporations and charities, according to documents lodged with the Federal Court.

Rule change ensures equal representation in union governance

Women will make up at least half of all members elected to the Independent Education Union's federal council branches following a rule change that secretary Chris Watt says is a "symbolic" first step that he hopes will prompt its state branches to look at their own structures.

Tribunal ejects case arising from "extraordinary and bizarre scenario"

The FWC has tossed out for want of jurisdiction an "unprecedented" pay dispute lodged by sacked FAAA national division secretary Andrew Staniforth against Qantas to correct overpayments, with a senior deputy president stating he has never encountered a "stranger industrial proposition".

ROC pursuing AWU, Melhem over "inflated" membership numbers

The Registered Organisations Commission has initiated a prosecution of the AWU's Victorian branch and its former secretary, Cesar Melhem, for allegedly failing to remove 2,000 unfinancial members from the books over a five-year period through to 2013.

Big fines for employer that withheld parental leave payments

The Federal Court has ordered a company and its director to pay substantial fines for failing to pass on more than $11,000 in parental leave payments to a cook and then concealing their actions after the FWO began asking questions.

Court green-lights sham contracting class action

A class action alleging sham contracting against a major marketing agency will proceed after a court dismissed arguments that it was impossible to rule on the employment status of more than 1000 claimants without examining their individual circumstances.