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Queensland Nickel workers owed $74 million

The administrators of Clive Palmer's Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd have recommended the company be put into liquidation next week, opening the way for hundreds of sacked workers to be paid under the Federal Government's Fair Entitlements Guarantee.

Arrium goes into administration

Thousands of Arrium employees face an uncertain future, after the troubled steelmaking and mining company today went into voluntary administration after failing to strike a deal with its banks and noteholders.

Partial rejection of pay cuts unlikely to hurt Arrium: AWU

The AWU says Arrium mineworkers' rejection of a pay cut will not have a major effect on the company's bottom line and has pledged the union's ongoing commitment to working with the company as it deals with its debt crisis.

Full Federal Court to hear RSRO appeal tomorrow

A Federal Court full bench will tomorrow morning hear a challenge by industry groups to the now-stayed RSRT decision to proceed with the contractor driver minimum payments road safety remuneration order.

Positive drug test justifies sacking; and more

Positive drug test justifies sacking; THC-positive worker to get his day in tribunal; Bench upholds BHP Coal's sacking of worker for safety breach; Genuine redundancy after Amex outsources work to India; and Threats no way to negotiate with employer.

Worker couldn't fulfil job's inherent requirements: Bench

An FWC full bench has found a presidential member got her facts wrong when she found an employee recovering from a skydiving accident was capable of performing the inherent requirements of his position.

ETU preparing for strikes at NSW energy supplier

ETU members employed at the NSW electricity distributor Essential Energy have overwhelmingly endorsed protected work bans and stoppages, which they can begin activating next week.