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Qantas worker seeking anti-bullying order; and more

Qantas flight attendant seeks anti-bullying order; Federal Court grants Cash bid for Queensland Nickel special purpose liquidator; and 150-minute ballot gets FWC thumbs-up.

FWC accepts six-minutes-late dismissal claim; & more

FWC accepts six-minutes-late dismissal claim; Creative crane driver fails to win job back; FWC member showed no real or apparent bias, says bench; and Tribunal douses smoker's bid to win job back.

Power workers going out, as termination bid looms

Workers at the NSW Government-owned electricity distributor Essential Energy will walk off the job for 24 hours tomorrow, ahead of the employer seeking next month to terminate its enterprise agreement.

FWC seeking to give "plain language" treatment to more awards

The FWC has released a report on its plain English transformation of the pharmacy award and issued guidelines for plain English drafting, before it gives similar treatment to the clerks, retail, hospitality and restaurant awards.

FWC cures Teys underpayment mistake, orders backpay

The FWC has ordered abattoir operator Teys Australia to backpay thousands of dollars to meatworkers for incentive scheme underpayments during a long period of "confusion" and "uncertainty" about the operation of its enterprise agreement and an associated incentive payment system.

Patrick issues new lockout warning to MUA

Stevedore Patrick says it will put its "final offer" direct to workers at its four container terminals, while warning that an employee lockout is possible if the bargaining deadlock continues.

RSRT considering delay for owner-driver RSRO

The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal will consider delaying the operative date of its contractor driver minimum rates order until February 1 next year.