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Unions seek BOOT for Comcare entry

Unions are pushing for the introduction of a threshold "better off overall test" for employers that are seeking to join the national Comcare workers' compensation scheme.

Cost cuts roiling workforce at Colorbond plant: AWU

The AWU has warned BlueScope Steel management to be aware it is sitting on a workplace "bomb that's about to explode" with its continued cost-cutting at the NSW plant producing Colorbond products.

Victoria seeks circuit-breaker for CFA dispute

The Andrews Labor Government has brought in Victoria's Emergency Management Commissioner to help broker a peace deal in the standoff between paid and volunteer firefighters, which has spilled over into the federal election campaign.

Worker displaced by robots wins job back

A straddle driver who lost his job as a result of an automation-driven restructure at Patrick Stevedores' Port Botany container terminal has won his job back after the FWC ruled his dismissal was not a genuine redundancy.

Productivity, hours and labour costs rising: ABS

Productivity, hours worked and real unit labour costs increased markedly in the year to March, while the wages share of the economy increased to a 12-year high, according to ABS national accounts data released today.

Unlawful Ichthys "park and ride" protest attracts $94,000 penalty

The CFMEU, CEPU and three individual organisers have been fined a combined total of almost $95,000 for encouraging workers at the Ichthys LNG project to stop work and disrupt a "critical" concrete pour in protest at the project's allegedly inadequate "park and ride" facilities.

Qantas worker seeking anti-bullying order; and more

Qantas flight attendant seeks anti-bullying order; Federal Court grants Cash bid for Queensland Nickel special purpose liquidator; and 150-minute ballot gets FWC thumbs-up.