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Tribunal backs sacking of Coles dope smoker

The FWC has found it reasonable for Coles Group Supply Chain Pty Ltd to dismiss a worker who tested positive to cannabis but claimed to have consumed it outside what he believed to be the "window of detection".

FWC applies anti-bullying order to full replacement workforce

In a bid to protect the identities of five labour hire workers seeking anti-bullying orders against picketers at a Melbourne brewery, the FWC has issued interim orders banning union officials and members from approaching or harassing a replacement workforce.

Tribunal allows headhunter to offer women-only searches

Victoria's Civil and Administrative Tribunal has found an executive search company doesn't need an exemption from equal opportunity laws to conduct its female executive recruitment program, but has used its business as a case study, setting out the steps for other applicants to self-assess whether they are already exempt.

Unpaid, unfed ship crew stranded off Queensland coast

Australian authorities are seeking assurances that the owners and operators of a coal carrier detained off the Queensland coast will pay the wages of about 20 crew and give them enough provisions for their journey to China.

Redundancy payouts must count regular casual service: FWC majority

Employers calculating redundancy payments will have to count periods of regular and systematic casual employment before workers became permanent, after a Fair Work Commission majority ruling that a dissenting member warns could retrospectively bestow other entitlements such as annual leave.

DP World says MUA "conflicted" over in-sourcing proposal

Stevedore DP World has accused the MUA of scaremongering over plans for its employees to take over the roles of workers who moor ships at the Port of Melbourne and its installation of extra security cameras.