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Tribunal rebuffs worker's plea to plug FEG 'empathy gap'

The AAT has rebuffed a claim of unfair treatment under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee from a worker who claimed she missed out on a redundancy payment because of her loyalty and empathy in staying-on with a failed company as its employee numbers dropped below the small business threshold.

Blind worker settles wage-calculation challenge

A disability employment services provider has reached an undisclosed settlement with a legally-blind worker in the Federal Court after he challenged the fairness of an assessment tool used to set his wage.

Exclusion from Christmas cheer "not bullying": FWC

The FWC has refused to issue an interim anti-bullying order against an employer that excluded a cleaner from a workplace Christmas celebration and refused to give her leave on Australia Day, but has criticised its "poor and clumsy" handling of the worker's complaints.

Settlement wins back 100% of FEG outlays

IR Minister Christian Porter has congratulated his department and a Government-appointed special purpose liquidator for securing recovery of 100% of entitlements paid by the FEG to former employees of failed Clive Palmer entity Queensland Nickel.

APRA proposes post-Hayne finance bonus overhaul

Regulator APRA is calling for submissions on a proposed shake-up of financial institutions' pay structures that would ensure no more than half of an employee's bonus is linked to fiscal performance measures, allow "clawbacks" and make boards oversee their entire workforce's remuneration.

Union fails in costs claim against "busybody" employee

The NSW IRC has decried an HSU state branch's "adversarial" approach in refusing to award costs against an industrial officer who sought a review of a regulator's decision scrapping improvement notices that claimed union employees might be exposed to "psychological hazards".

No service required to trigger 120-hour leave entitlement: FWC

An injured coal mineworker has won back 120 hours personal leave denied by resources giant Peabody when he took more than a year off, the FWC finding he was not required to provide a service to be eligible for the entitlement.

Call to "lift up" the vulnerable as automation advances

As a global robotics report warns that the main occupations production workers are moving to are among the most vulnerable to automation, an Australian academic is urging the adoption of policies to ensure disadvantaged workers are not left behind.