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Safety rep sacked for "non-event" ignored critical protocols: FWC

In a decision highlighting the importance of strictly following safety procedures, the FWC has upheld Griffin Coal's sacking of a safety representative over an incident he considered a "non-event" and an investigation team deemed minor.

Melbourne Uni staff rebuff coronavirus agreement change

The University of Melbourne says it will "move towards inevitable workforce reductions" after staff rejected a COVID-19 variation proposal to permanently remove their latest pay rise and introduce a new voluntary redundancy package.

Bad rap for "cowboy" boss HR couldn't corral

An HR manager unable to influence the "cowboy behaviour" of her employer has helped the FWC establish that he falsified an email to paint as a redundancy his sacking of a manager who complained about his brother.

Unions wary of preferred Virgin Australia bidders

The two remaining bidders for Virgin Australia have a "chequered history" on IR and workers rights, according to unions, who represent the largest number of the airline's creditors.

Post-midnight injury not connected to employment: Court

In a significant ruling on "connection" to employment, a court has rejected a Telstra manager's compensation claim made after she hurt her hip slipping on wet tiles following a night "on the town" during a work trip.

Employers should not "falsely amplify" safety issues: Tribunal

An FWC member has cautioned employers not to "falsely amplify" safety hazards, ordering the reinstatement of a BluesScope worker accused of almost tipping a large steel coil in circumstances where there was "zero" likelihood of anyone being injured.