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Former staffer indicates Reynolds paid damages

The Defence Minister's former staffer who alleged a colleague raped her in the workplace appears to have won a damages payout to settle her claim over Minister Reynolds' recent "lying cow" comment.

Cash capable of shepherding IR Bill: Morrison

The Morrison Government has indicated it will push ahead with the Omnibus Bill in the Senate next week despite the expected absence of its architect, IR Minister and Attorney-General Christian Porter.

Relocation aimed at avoiding severance payout: Worker

A warehouse worker is claiming he experienced repeated s-xual harassment and bullying after his employer demoted him from a supervisory position and relocated him to faraway sites instead of paying him more than $120,000 in redundancy entitlements.

Labour costs rise as economy recovers from pandemic

Real unit labour costs surged in the December quarter as the economic recovery gathered pace, while profit and wages shares retreated from the record levels recorded in the September quarter, according to ABS national accounts data released today.

Lyme disease claim no basis to reject masks, says ABC

The ABC says it is refusing to roster a make-up artist who claims she cannot wear a mask due to Lyme disease, because her insistence on instead donning a face shield puts presenters at risk and it does not accept her actions are the manifestation of a disability.

Irish code to address "always on call" working culture

As COVID-19 amplifies pressure for workers to have greater rights to "disconnect" outside of working hours, the Irish Government has asked its Workplace Relations Commission to develop a code of practice to promote the practice.

Hard to stomach, but BHP worker's sacking not harsh: FWC

BHP did not respond harshly when it dismissed a Thailand-based train driver for making a brief call about a worrying health matter while he travelled slowly along a remote Pilbara line, the FWC has ruled.

Order halts protected action at robo-terminal

Highly-automated stevedore Victoria International Container Terminal won an interim anti-industrial-action order late last week that halted an escalating MUA campaign that included a 36-hour protected strike due to begin on Sunday morning.

UK Uber ruling challenges gig economy model: Unions

Unions say Uber's failure to convince the UK's Supreme Court that its drivers are independent contractors or that their working time only includes periods carrying passengers is set to be "very persuasive" in the Australian context.