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Director to serve jail time for workplace death

The director of a shed-building company has become the first person to be sentenced to serve a prison term under Western Australia's workplace safety and health laws.

Law changes to pressure employers over mental health

The ACTU says a decision by federal and state WHS ministers to regulate psychosocial hazards will obligate employers to eliminate mental health risks, but has bemoaned their failure to support national industrial manslaughter laws as a "missed opportunity".

Company's $40m FEG claim under microscope

The Attorney-General's Department is examining the implications of a corporate restructuring last year which saw the taxpayer-funded Fair Entitlements Guarantee liable for about $40 million in employee entitlement claims.

Act on full court's plea: Amendola

Leading IR lawyer Steven Amendola says a response is needed to last week's call by a full Federal Court for a better system to handle litigants with "serious mental health problems".

FWC saves "threatening" worker's bacon

The FWC has reinstated a bacon worker, after holding it was not threatening to say she felt like knocking a colleague off her perch, while finding the employer contributed to their stress, denied her procedural fairness and had a tendency to exaggerate evidence.

Full court backs permanent stay on lawyer's discrimination claim

A full Federal Court has today upheld a permanent stay on an openly gay solicitor's discrimination and harassment case, after he refused to undergo a psychiatric examination paid for by his firm and performed by a specialist of its choosing.

Telstra made fair call on safety rep's redundancy: FWC

The FWC has found a Telstra HR specialist properly handled an OHS representative's challenge to his retrenchment, despite the CEPU contending his selection was "infected by bias" due to his role and a history of interpersonal conflict with his manager.

FEG allocations reduced, as businesses stay afloat

The Morrison Government has cut back funding for the Fair Entitlements Guarantee in the 2021-22 Federal Budget, but still expects an increase in claims as COVID-19 support for business is wound back and more employers go into liquidation.

Budget's "missed opportunity" to tackle workplace harassment

The Morrison Government has stopped short of providing significant funding for working women's centres offering specialist advice on workplace harassment, despite recently expressing support for them in its response to the Respect@Work report.

GFB ruling paves way for pit supervisors deal

A recent FWC finding that BHP engaged in unfair bargaining practices, and subsequent tribunal-chaired negotiations, have led to Professionals Australia securing the first standalone enterprise deal for coal mining supervisors.