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Judge roasts "battleship in full steam" ABCC

The Federal Court has today imposed $100,000 in fines and costs on the CFMMEU and a delegate who stopped work on a construction site due to safety concerns, but has criticised the ABCC for "over-egging" its case and of having "difficulty turning", like "a battleship in full steam" when it learned that the facts had changed.

AMWU rules don't cover BHP OS trainees: FWC

The FWC has thrown out a bid by the AMWU to enter the BHP OS training facility near Mackay to hold discussions with about 150 maintenance trainees, finding the union's coverage rule for fitters and engineering trades doesn't extend to the "caterpillar" trainees until they become maintenance associate "butterflies".

Bill empowers FWC to make anti-harassment orders

The Fair Work Commission will be able to make a "stop sexual harassment order" after a single incident under legislation introduced today to implement some of the recommendations from Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' Respect@Work report.

Government introduces Respect@Work legislative changes

The Morrison Government has today introduced legislation into the Senate that amends the Fair Work Act and Sex Discrimination Act to respond to Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' landmark Respect@Work report, which includes two days paid compassionate leave for workers who suffer miscarriages.

BHP's gender balance target discriminatory: Male executive

A former US-based BHP Billiton executive is seeking compensation and damages because it failed to appoint him to four job openings, alleging the positions went to women "clearly less qualified than him."

Impose joint safety obligation on employers/labour suppliers: Report

An inquiry into a "terrifying" accident last year in which five mineworkers sustained serious burns has found that labour hire and contract work is "entrenched" in the Queensland coal mining industry and has recommended that employers and labour suppliers bear joint responsibility for safety compliance.

Urgent need for paid vax leave for care workers: ACTU

ACTU leader Sally McManus has written to Prime Minister Scott Morrison seeking four days paid leave and travel time to facilitate the rapid inoculation of the largely-unvaccinated private sector aged and disability care workforce.

NSW to impose safety standards on delivery platforms, riders

The NSW Government has announced plans to introduce the country's first comprehensive safety laws targeting the food delivery sector, including mandatory personal protective equipment for workers required to carry unique identification numbers.

Westpac, CBA to cover time off for COVID-19 shots

Westpac has introduced special paid leave for employees to get COVID-19 vaccinations after the FSU wrote to financial institutions seeking two days' paid leave for all staff to get shots, while the Commonwealth Bank says it will also allow time off for the purpose.