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Vines put forward to lead ILO; & more

Morrison Government nominates Vines to lead ILO; FWO to keep targeting big end of town's underpayments; Sustained border closure could drive up wages, says RBA.

"Gender-critical" beliefs protected: UK employment tribunal

A UK employment tribunal will consider whether an international think tank discriminated against a visiting fellow because of her "gender critical" views, including that trans women are male, after an appeal bench found she held protected beliefs.

FWC seeks delay for anti-harassment orders

The FWC has asked the Morrison Government to delay its proposed new capacity to make anti-sexual-harassment orders to give it time to prepare for a flood of applications, in an echo of a call it made eight years ago before the introduction of the anti-bullying regime.

Judge resigns after sexual harassment finding

A Federal Circuit Court judge has resigned after an investigation substantiated allegations that he engaged in "sexualised" conduct towards two women - a court employee and a law student - while the court has revamped its judicial complaints system and engaged an eminent Harvard academic to train judicial officers and staff.

Drink-driving unrelated to rail operator's job, FWC rules

In an important out-of-hours conduct ruling, the FWC has reinstated a veteran train driver sacked after he told his employer that he faced possible imprisonment for blowing four times over the blood alcohol limit when police breath-tested him on the road.

Jabs in workplace the answer in aged care: ACTU

In the wake of National Cabinet last night agreeing to make COVID-19 inoculations compulsory for residential aged worker, the ACTU says that what "really needs to be mandated is a vaccine team visiting every aged care home".

FWC rejects driver's breathalyser-fail explanation

The FWC has upheld a Qube subsidiary's sacking of a truck driver who blamed a positive blood alcohol reading on sucking on three-quarters of a 10-pack of Anticol cough lozenges to counter a dry throat.

Pay to resume 4% growth in seven years: Treasury

After more than a decade of sub-4% growth in pay, Treasury has projected in its Intergenerational Report, released today, that it will return to that level in 2028 as productivity resumes its long-term growth path of 1.5%.

Judge roasts "battleship in full steam" ABCC

The Federal Court has today imposed $100,000 in fines and costs on the CFMMEU and a delegate who stopped work on a construction site due to safety concerns, but has criticised the ABCC for "over-egging" its case and of having "difficulty turning", like "a battleship in full steam" when it learned that the facts had changed.