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Protest that flouted public health orders justified sacking: FWC

The FWC has distinguished between "regular" industrial protests and those likely to attract "public outrage" during pandemic restrictions in finding a crane company entitled to sack an operator who attended a violent anti-vax rally outside CFMMEU offices in Melbourne.

FWC makes first anti-harassment ruling

In what is believed to be the FWC's first decision in its new anti-sexual-harassment jurisdiction, a worker has failed to obtain an order against two "bad men" in a neighbouring business.

FWC queries worker's potentially-fraudulent vax certificate

A senior FWC member has invited "relevant authorities" to investigate a potentially fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination certificate supplied to an employer by a worker claiming to have been unlawfully stood down.

BHP workers facing sack after recalibrated vax mandate

BHP says it will ask 35 Mt Arthur coal mine workers why it should not sack them if they continue to defy its vaccination mandate after engaging in a fresh FWC-assisted consultation process.

Union to test key BHP OS precept

BHP's internal labour hire operation is facing a union challenge to a key element of its model, which holds that its workers are not attached to particular mine sites or regions and can have their jobs relocated anywhere on the east coast.

First anti-harass order case in FWC; & more

First FWC anti-sexual-harassment case; Sub-3% wages until 2023-24, says MYEFO; and Five more awards might have unpaid pandemic leave extended.

$1m damages claim over suggestive Sydney Water poster

A Sydney Water employee whose image was used in a suggestive OHS poster has been cleared to pursue more than $1 million in damages after the FWC ruled that a series of failures in her employer's response forced her to resign.

Submissions due in February for maternity leave review

The newly-announced review of the 1973 Maternity Leave Act provides an opportunity for the Federal Government to resume its role as a pacesetter, according to Sydney University's Professor Marian Baird.