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Biden union organising report might assist Labor

A leading IR academic says a new White House report on union organising and empowerment could be a source of ideas for Labor if it takes power at the likely May election.

Canberra should refer all docks blues to arbitration: Farmers

The NFF says the Federal Government should use its existing powers to routinely and rapidly refer all potential waterfront disputes to arbitration so that importers and exporters are no longer "held to ransom as a bargaining chip" between maritime workers and infrastructure owners.

FWC launches free online training site

The Fair Work Commission has launched a new online training facility, starting with two courses that explain interest-based bargaining.

PC to consider new NES carer entitlement

A Productivity Commission inquiry will explore whether to permit "informal carers" to take extended unpaid leave to support elderly friends and relatives, while submissions are due in April on a study of what might happen if priority is given to direct employment of aged care workers.

$5000 in shares acknowledges pandemic pain: Qantas

Qantas will grant 1000 share rights to 20,000 employees, who endured 18-month stand-downs and are subject to two-year wage freezes, but the TWU says its forecast rapid post-pandemic recovery shows the airline's' "illegal outsourcing and attacks on workers under the cover of covid" were unwarranted.