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NT to introduce positive duty

The NT is planning to impose a positive duty on employers to eliminate discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation, while it also intends to expunge an exemption that permits religious schools to discriminate against LGBTIQ+ teachers.

Provide leave at full pay for isolating workers: ACTU

The ACTU has called for employers to "step up" ahead of the forecast peak in COVID-19 numbers by providing leave at full pay for workers who need to isolate or quarantine and distributing free rapid antigen tests to all employees.

Umpire raises internal performance targets

The FWC has tightened its benchmarks for finalising cases, with 50% to be completed within eight weeks (down from 13 weeks) and 90% within 16 weeks (down from 26 weeks).

Limited revival for Schedule X unpaid pandemic leave

Just a month after declaring its intention to delete "Schedule X" unpaid pandemic leave provisions, the recent COVID-19 resurgence has spurred the FWC to extend their operation in a handful of health and care awards, coinciding with the Federal Government reviving the pandemic leave disaster payments.

Workplace rights protections limited, Qantas tells High Court

The bid by Qantas to overturn a Federal Court ruling that it took unlawful adverse action against its former ground crew employees argues that some of the Fair Work Act's protected workplace rights are "time bound".

Reinstatement for roadside service mechanic who missed sales targets

In a decision that shines a light on road service provider NRMA's business model, the FWC has found a contractor mechanic's failure to meet KPIs – when he spent too much time with customers and failed to sell enough batteries – did not provide a fair basis for sacking him.

Unions call for urgent Labor action on agreement terminations

The ACTU has thrown its support behind workers employed by a Melbourne carpet maker that is seeking to terminate its enterprise agreement, saying it needs urgent attention, while a local Labor MP says IR Minister Tony Burke is "looking very seriously" at the broader issue.