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Curb employer wage-setting power: OECD

Teleworking, retraining and enhanced collective bargaining could lift pay growth that has been constrained by Australia's relatively "monopsonistic" labour market that gives a few dominant employers the upper hand in wage-setting, according to the OECD.

Court clamps anti-vax advocate's "threatening" emails

A Federal Court judge has moved swiftly to shut down a legal representative for 18 airline workers seeking damages for COVID-19 vaccination-related sackings after he sent "obscene [and] threatening" emails to the defendants' lawyers and in-house IR teams.

FWC scratches glass maker's flawed deal

The FWC has rejected a glass manufacturer's claims that it accidentally halved rest breaks in a proposed deal, dismissing the employer's approval application because it failed to adequately explain it and other deficient clauses to the workers who voted for it.

Axe paves way for vax maker's global pay model

The FWC has agreed to terminate a transnational CSL subsidiary's agreement, clearing the way for it to move senior employees onto a "global remuneration model", after accepting that it "meaningfully" consulted its workforce about the implications.

Give docks employers more protected action options: PC

The Productivity Commission says the workplace tribunal should have a "fast-track process" for early involvement in industrial disputes on the docks, while waterfront employers should have more options for taking their own protected action beyond lockouts.

Lawyers superfluous in vax case: FWC

A large employer had no need to pay for external lawyers when it could have relied on its HR team to argue against a former employee's "straightforward" vaccination case, the FWC has found.

Worker still employed despite overshooting vax deadline: FWC

The FWC has declined to hear the unfair sacking case of a vaccinated worker who passed up "at least" eight chances to confirm her inoculation status before her employer dismissed then reinstated her within 48 hours.

COVID-19 isolation period cut from 7 days to 5

Isolation periods for COVID-19 are set to drop from seven days to five, while the pandemic leave disaster payment will be adjusted to reflect the change, after a National Cabinet meeting today.