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Case study: Orora and AMWU replace tit-for-tat with "robust" transformation process

A "tit-for-tat" culture of poor communication and disrespect between management and the AMWU printing division has been turned around at Orora Fibre Packaging, which has increased its profitability since participating in a "collaborative transformation process" supported by the Fair Work Commission.

ACTU promotes partnership with employers

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver has used a behind-closed-doors speech to call for employers to work with unions on a "new vision for jobs in Australia" rather than supporting the Abbott Government's IR agenda.

LinkedOff: OHS manager sacked over abusive emails

The Fair Work Commission has refused to reverse the dismissal of an OHS manager who used his employment-related LinkedIn account to send abusive personal emails, directed "expletive rich" language at his manager and declined to participate in a performance plan.

Employer can't make health assessments compulsory: FWC

The Fair Work Commission has ruled that it is unreasonable for an employer to direct workers to attend a compulsory health assessment designed to address high injury levels without first establishing genuine need.

Court orders MUA to produce Chevron dispute documents

The Federal Court has ordered the MUA to produce documents, including records of any government lobbying, in the long-running dispute over whether its anti-foreign crewing campaign and not safety was behind industrial action at Chevron's Gorgon project in 2012.

GM Holden seeking voluntary redundancies as it cuts production

GM Holden is encouraging workers at its Elizabeth assembly plant in Adelaide to register their interest in taking an uncapped redundancy payout of 3.5 weeks pay for each year of service as it seeks to cut up to 270 jobs by the end of next month.

"Absolute" FOA might have averted Qantas shutdown: Union

The licenced aircraft engineers' union is urging the "liberalisation" of union coverage rules, saying that if they didn't exist at all, the industrial unrest that fuelled the bargaining battle between the union and Qantas might have been diminished before the airline dramatically shut down its operations and locked out its workforce in 2011.

Look to Kiwi solution for good faith in employment: Riley

Australia could consider adopting a Kiwi-style statutory good faith obligation after the High Court's finding that there is no implied duty of mutual trust and confidence in employment contracts, according to a senior law academic.