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Bullying risk continuing for DP World trio: FWC

Three DP World stevedoring employees exposed to prolonged bullying by workmates and fellow MUA members face a real risk of the conduct continuing on their return to work because a "system of authority and control" remains in place at a Melbourne container terminal "which stands apart from" the company.

Supervisor sacked over "indecent search" complaint gets job back

The FWC has ordered Sydney's St Vincent's Hospital to reinstate a security supervisor it sacked after an external investigation found his complaint about indecent touching of a psychiatric patient was falsely made to bully or harass a colleague.

Wharfies vote up Hutchison deal

MUA members at Hutchison Ports Australia have endorsed a new enterprise agreement that will end long-running protests at its Sydney and Brisbane container terminals as it ensures that stevedoring employees won’t be forced into redundancies.

Unfair dismissal round-up: Compensation for worker sacked for remark made in jest; & more

Unfair to sack supervisor for remark made in jest; FWC grants legal representation for case to be heard on "less emotive" basis; Employer's appeal against domestic violence sacking rejected by full bench; High-earning BHPB "number two" not protected from unfair dismissal; HR business partner's $138,000 salary exceeds high income threshold; Tribunal rejects sacked worker's bid for reimbursement of counselling costs; Ranger dismissed because contract ran out, not whistleblowing; and FWC "draws the line" on "meandering" unfair dismissal claim.