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Lawler's conduct "undignified", far below expectations: Heerey

Former Fair Work Commission Vice-President Michael Lawler's conduct on the ABC's Four Corners program was "far below" what the public was entitled to expect from somebody in his position, according to the silk who investigated his conduct.

Bank managers "got what they bargained for": Court

A full Federal Court has rebuffed a group of St George Bank managers who claimed the employer engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct when it retrenched them after promising they would receive retention bonuses if they stayed in their jobs during a merger with Westpac.

FWC backs sacking of worker who harassed IR, ER specialists

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of an employee for a relentless six-week email campaign in which he made a "deliberate and concerted effort" to discredit IR and ER employees after his demotion for "racial bullying" of an Indian-origin colleague he claimed was "smelly".

Employer seeks agreement's termination to break deadlock

Power unions say that an application by a NSW Government-owned electricity distributor to terminate its enterprise agreement will led to immediate job losses and pay cuts for hundreds of workers.

"Thuggery": $60,000 penalty for "blatant single breach"

The Federal Circuit Court has imposed almost $60,000 in penalties for a "blatant single breach" of the Fair Work Act in which a CFMEU official discarded workers' food from a lunch shed, padlocked the door and said the facility was for union members only.

Not bankable: Appeal court slashes chief executive's $3m payout

An appeal court has reduced the $3m severance and bonus payout awarded to an investment bank chief executive dislodged after a global takeover, while it has granted the bank's head of global markets an exit payment of almost $400,000.

RSRT to hear stay bid next week

A Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal full bench will next Tuesday hear four separate applications seeking to delay the start-date of the contractor driver minimum payments order and challenging the likelihood of it improving road safety.