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Senate committee backs Fair Work amendments

The Senate's Education and Employment Legislation Committee has recommended today that the upper house pass the government's Fair Work Amendment Bill unamended, with the ALP and the Greens tabling separate reports opposing the legislation.

Labour productivity and sound economy underpin 3% wage rise

A positive economic outlook and sustained labour productivity improvement are key factors in yesterday's Fair Work Commission's decision to award a 3% increase to award rates of pay, with the minimum wage panel again advising employer groups that they need to introduce more rigour to their surveys if they are to have any influence on the tribunal's deliberations.

Court refuses injunction in TV network brawl

Both sides are claiming victory in the contractual tug-of-war over veteran programming executive John Stephens, following the NSW Supreme Court's refusal to grant the Ten Network an injunction to stop him taking up a new role with the Seven Network.

News Flash: Award wages up by 3% from July 1

The Fair Work Commission has this afternoon awarded the nation's award-reliant workers a 3% increase, lifting the national minimum wage by $18.70, in this year's annual wage review ruling.

FSC seeks urgent clarification from Ross on super panel

The Financial Services Council has demanded that Fair Work Commission President Iain Ross clarify two legal points before its challenge to the default superannuation review is heard by the Federal Court on Friday.

Information Commissioner orders FWC to release CCTV footage

Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim has ordered the Fair Work Commission to give the Nine Network the CCTV footage relied on by the SA Rail Commissioner in an unfair dismissal hearing, finding that it was not exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.

Ross rejects super conflict

FWC President Iain Ross has this afternoon flatly rejected a suggestion that his involvement in superannuation funds "25 years ago" means he has a conflict of interest in sitting on the expert panel's review of default funds.

FWBC "cold case" review reveals inconsistencies: Hadgkiss

The construction watchdog's review of "cold cases" has identified another 14 cases where penalties were agreed through negotiation or discontinued, a Senate Estimates hearing has been told. Meanwhile, the Fair Work Ombudsman has rejected suggestions that it "washes its hands" of 457 visa complaints.

Court orders public prosecutions office to reinstate lawyer

Victoria's Office of Public Prosecutions has been ordered pay a $10,000 fine and to reinstate a solicitor it subjected to unlawful adverse action when it stood him down then dismissed him for misconduct that "arose wholly" from his anxiety and depression.