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Mining leviathans mount new campaign for IR change

The Minerals Council has entered the IR debate with a call to outlaw industrial action over labour hire and contracting-out, sideline unions and make it more difficult to enter workplaces and establish unlawful adverse action.

Annual bonus payable if Australia Post and employees deliver

The FWC has approved an Australia Post deal incorporating a 6%-over-three-years pay rise for about 29,500 employees plus an annual 1% bonus if the company realises profit and delivery targets, after it was overwhelmingly endorsed in every state and territory except Victoria.

Employers say litigation against CFMEU stymies merger

Two employer groups have flagged that they will argue that the CFMEU's merger with two other unions cannot proceed because the former's construction division has a large amount of outstanding legal action against it.

Bench locks in timetable and issues for domestic violence case

After a national employer body suggested its industry's "blokey" culture means workers are unlikely to admit they are domestic violence victims, "let alone [seek] FDV leave under an award", the FWC yesterday set a September 1 deadline for submissions on whether modern awards should provide unpaid leave, ahead of hearings in October.

No bias against worker who railed against "sinners": UK court

A prison gardener ordained as a Pentecostal minister who was disciplined for quoting bible passages about the sinfulness of homosexuality to inmates has failed to overturn a UK Employment Tribunal finding that his employer's actions did not constitute religious discrimination.

Triple treat for ABCC as court increases fines

A full Federal Court has fined the CFMEU $300,000 and the CEPU $130,000 over a 2011 industrial campaign; penalties that are almost three times higher than originally sought by the construction watchdog.