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Professor reinstated after "consensual" tryst with student

A university professor who won reinstatement after being sacked for being "s-xually intimate" with a student during a naked swim has failed to have his and his employer's names removed from the FWC's published decision, despite his concerns the case will attract extra publicity because he is a namesake of the Australian Prime Minister.

HR managers must dispel gender equality "fears": WGEA

People managers in organisations making this year's Workplace Gender Equality Agency employer of choice list have for the first time had to train-up on flexible working arrangements and how to deal with resistance to gender equality objectives.

Texts sufficient to notify shift changes: Bench

In a decision the RTBU expects to have "widespread ramifications" for employers and employees alike, potentially even disrupting sleep, a FWC full bench has held an unread text message changing an impending shift will satisfy Pacific National's notice requirements.

Code ban extends to Eureka Flags: Court

The Federal Court has today rejected separate challenges by Lendlease and CFMMEU to the construction code's "grammatically nonsensical" prohibition of union logos and paraphernalia, such as the Eureka Flag.

Sacked hours after surrogacy parental leave notice: Claim

A sales director allegedly dismissed just five hours after he told his chief operating officer that he intended to take unpaid parental leave on the birth of his two surrogate children is seeking compensation and a pecuniary penalty for alleged unlawful adverse action, but the company says the claim is baseless.

Bunnings sacked me for harassment in former job: Claim

An accountant previously held to have s-xually harassed a supervisor is now challenging his dismissal from a new job as a pricing coordinator at Bunnings, accusing it of discriminating against him with "outright vengeful intent" when it became aware of his history.

Tribunal backs sacking for excessive personal texting at work

The FWC has upheld the flawed sacking of a health and safety manager after phone records revealed she sent an "extraordinary and unacceptable" amount of text messages at work while overseeing her growing side business.