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Public servant fights for her right to Tweet

The Federal Circuit Court has ruled that there is no unfettered right to freedom of political expression in dismissing a federal public servant's application for a declaration that any finding that she had breached the APS code of conduct for tweeting her opinions would breach her implied constitutional rights.

NTEU and Swinburne in landmark domestic violence deal

The NTEU is hailing an agreement with Swinburne University for new domestic violence protections that include options for employees to alter working arrangements and work locations, and hopes they will become a standard across the higher education industry.

HR Nicholls and AMMA hit back at Bornstein speech

Maurice Blackburn partner Josh Bornstein's address to a labour law conference on Monday has drawn fire from the HR Nicholls Society and AMMA, with both organisations taking aim at his claim that IR regulation had no current impact on productivity levels.