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Dismissal meeting support person not an advocate: full bench

The obligation for employers to let employees bring a support person with them to any discussions that could lead to dismissal does not extend to allowing that person to be an advocate, a FWC full bench has confirmed in overturning a ruling by Commissioner John Ryan that an executive director was constructively dismissed.

Qantas entitled to fill vacancies via transfers: Court

The Federal Court has rejected a claim by Qantas flight crew that the airline breached its enterprise agreements when it didn't consider them for vacancies that would have required it to train them at a cost of up to $113,000 per pilot.

Court rules FWC can extend industrial action after 30-day expiry

In a split decision, a Federal Court full court has held that the Fair Work Commission can grant an extension to the 30-day time limit for taking protected industrial action even where the application is made after that period has expired.

Labour hire arrangement a sham: Federal Court

The Federal Court has found that shifting seasonal workers to a new employer after they'd worked 40 hours a week was a "sham" arrangement to avoid paying overtime.

Employment contrary to Migration Act invalid, FWC rules

The Fair Work Commission has ruled that Subclass 457 visa holders cannot make legally binding employment contracts with employers that are not registered to sponsor them under the Migration Act.

FWC makes first ruling in bullying jurisdiction

The Fair Work Commission has issued its first ruling in its new bullying jurisdiction, dismissing a claim because the complainant failed to respond to two requests to provide more details and did not pay the filing fee.

Jetstar ignored warnings against unlawful deductions: Court

Jetstar unlawfully deducted training costs from the wages of cadet pilots, despite warnings against doing so from its external IR consultant and its head of flying operations, the Federal Court has revealed in a penalty judgment today.

Forty-four bullying claims in first month

The Fair Work Commission has received 44 bullying complaints in the first month of its new jurisdiction, but the tribunal's president says it's too early to say whether this is any guide to the future rate of applications

Accountants call for more equity in superannuation system

A peak body for accountants has called on the federal government to improve the equity of super by retaining co-contributions for low earners and permitting all Australian workers to claim a tax deduction for personal contributions, but the assistant treasurer has reiterated the government's commitment to proceeding with its planned changes.