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Queensland public service employees get pay rise on eve of court challenge

Queensland public servants will receive three 2.2% wage increases between now and December 2015, as a result of a Newman Government ministerial directive issued days before the Queensland Supreme Court was due to hear the government's appeal against an Industrial Court ruling on an interim pay increase.

FWC preparing for second phase of Future Directions reform program

The Fair Work Commission is consulting with the Federal Government, staff and stakeholders to develop the second phase of its Future Directions strategy, after fully implementing the 25 initiatives announced as part of the first phase.

Multiple-choice remedy menu in FWC's draft bullying reporting form

The FWC is seeking feedback by Thursday on a 13-page draft form to be completed by workers who claim they have been bullied, which provides them the option of ticking a box for up to six remedies, while also giving them the chance to propose their own solution.

Three out of every ten NSW public servants bullied: Report

NSW Public Service Commissioner Graeme Head is seeking to determine why 30% of NSW public sector employees report being bullied in the workplace and almost 50% say they have witnessed it, despite the implementation of a wide range of prevention and management measures.

Anti-dobbing culture meant no brake on supervisor's bullying: FWC

A Fair Work Commission full bench majority has urged DP World to address an "anti-dobbing" culture that contributed to its failure to curb a supervisor's bullying behaviour, in a decision upholding the company's dismissal of a subordinate he goaded into assaulting him.

Change to flexible arrangement not discriminatory: Tribunal

A tribunal has found that an employer's failure to formalise an employee's flexible work arrangements to meet her caring responsibilities led to her seeing them as an entitlement rather than a privilege, and any attempts to change them as workplace bullying.

FWC prepares the ground for bullying regime

The FWC is expecting a "significant number" of bullying applications and inquiries next year and has released a model for dealing with them and a draft benchbook, as well as announcing Commissioner Peter Hampton's appointment as the head of its anti-bullying panel.

Reinstated doctor loses employer's trust - and his job

A highly-paid Geelong-based anaesthetist has lost his job for a second time after a senior FWC member found that his conduct following his reinstatement in February had contributed to the destruction of his employer's trust in him.