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Coalition defers Labor’s gender reporting changes

Gender reporting requirements for businesses with more than 100 employees will stay as they are for another year, while new minimum reporting standards will apply to non-government employers with more than 500 employees from October, Employment Minister Eric Abetz has announced.

Regular overtime should be counted as income: Full bench

In an important decision, a Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled that regular overtime can be classified as earnings when determining whether the remuneration of workers making unfair dismissal claims is below the statutory limit.

Thomson guilty of highest order "breach of trust": Magistrate

Craig Thomson's criminal conduct demonstrated a "brazen arrogance and sense of entitlement" and a "breach of trust of the highest order" in dealing with union funds, Victorian Magistrate Charlie Rozencwajg said today in his reasons for imposing an immediate jail term on the former HSU leader.

Bullying "test case" thrown out on jurisdictional grounds

A test case that established that the Fair Work Commission is able to consider bullying that occurred before its anti-bullying jurisdiction took effect on January 1 has now been thrown out because the employer is not a "trading" corporation.

Thomson jailed for three months

Former HSU national secretary Craig Thomson has today received a sentence of 12 months imprisonment, but with nine months suspended.

Vale union leader Wally Curran

A firebrand ex-leader of the meatworkers' union, Wally Curran, has died in Melbourne, rekindling memories of his famous falling out with former ACTU president and future Labor prime minister, Bob Hawke.

No mistakes in doctor reinstatement ruling, tribunal bench finds

In a long-running case with numerous twists and turns, an unfairly dismissed anaesthetist has again failed to win his job back after a Fair Work Commission full bench ruled there were no errors in Deputy President Val Gostencnik's decision that Barwon Health's loss of trust and confidence in him made reinstatement inappropriate.

FWC restrains worker in first substantial bullying order

In its first substantive order under the new bullying jurisdiction, the Fair Work Commission has directed an employee not to have any unaccompanied contact with a co-worker or make comments about their clothes or appearance.