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Ditch proposed greenfields benchmark, employers tell Abbott

Business groups are pushing the Abbott Government to drop a requirement in its Fair Work amendments that the FWC take account of prevailing industry standards in approving employer proposals to resolve deadlocked greenfields negotiations, in submissions to a Senate inquiry.

Xmas party breast-toucher gets job back

A NSW public servant who admitted touching the breasts of five women during a 2012 Christmas party has won his job back after the NSW IRC found he was treated more harshly than a senior manager who was only demoted.

Worksafe charges Grocon over deadly wall collapse

The Victorian WorkCover Authority has confirmed it has laid charges against Grocon group companies over last year’s wall collapse in Melbourne that killed three pedestrians.

Full bench downgrades CFMEU's Lend Lease entry breaches

A Fair Work Commission full bench has clarified the circumstances in which the tribunal can use its own-motion powers to impose restrictions on unions that have abused their entry rights.

Super panel presses on with review in face of retail fund challenge

The FWC's President, Justice Iain Ross, in a ruling handed down this morning, has told the Financial Services Council it should take its complaint about the constitution of the default superannuation expert panel to the Federal Court.

New construction code means no union push to "go early": MBA

The Master Builders Association argues that scrutiny of enterprise agreements struck after April 24 when the new national construction Code was announced will stymie any "go early" bargaining push by building unions.

Opposition accuses NSW Government of "busting" its wages cap

NSW Shadow IR Minister Adam Searle says the Baird Government has "busted" its wages cap with a new deal that goes beyond the 2.5% public service limit by paying for two-thirds of a recent massive rise in police officers' insurance premiums.

Bankrupts can seek full range of dismissal remedies: Bench

Undischarged bankrupts will be able to pursue the full range of unfair dismissal remedies under the Fair Work Act as long as they have been declared insolvent before lodging their claims, a Fair Work Commission full bench confirmed yesterday in a ruling that resolves conflicting single-member decisions on the issue.

Tribunal clears woman to work with children despite drug conviction

A woman who was convicted of conspiracy to import cocaine and sentenced to more than four years in jail has been cleared to work as a teacher after a tribunal found a government department was wrong to refuse her a working-with-children check.

Retail funds seek to stymie FWC super review

The peak body for retail superannuation funds is seeking an urgent Fair Work Commission hearing in a bid to halt the review of default funds in modern awards.