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FWBC "cold case" review reveals inconsistencies: Hadgkiss

The construction watchdog's review of "cold cases" has identified another 14 cases where penalties were agreed through negotiation or discontinued, a Senate Estimates hearing has been told. Meanwhile, the Fair Work Ombudsman has rejected suggestions that it "washes its hands" of 457 visa complaints.

Court orders public prosecutions office to reinstate lawyer

Victoria's Office of Public Prosecutions has been ordered pay a $10,000 fine and to reinstate a solicitor it subjected to unlawful adverse action when it stood him down then dismissed him for misconduct that "arose wholly" from his anxiety and depression.

Expert panel member resigns after disqualification from super review

A member of the Fair Work Commission's expert panel has resigned after being disqualified, due to a potential conflict of interest, from participating in the review of default superannuation funds. Meanwhile, the Financial Services Council's challenge to the make-up of the panel is to be heard this week.

FWBC pursues Noonan over Perth hospital project

The FWBC has included CFMEU construction and general division national secretary Dave Noonan in its fourth prosecution over the $1.2 billion Perth Children's Hospital project.

Tidewater order followed MUA official's unavailability

The Fair Work Commission's decision to temporarily halt a planned 48-hour strike at Tidewater Marine took into account that an MUA official was unavailable to give evidence in person to the tribunal.

FWC refuses to halt Patrick retrenchments

The Fair Work Commission will allow Patrick Stevedores to proceed with job cuts at the Port of Melbourne, after rejecting an MUA bid for an interim restraining order because the balance of convenience lay with the employer.

Employee's dismissal ends bullying claim

The Fair Work Commission has dismissed an ANZ employee's application for an anti-bullying order, finding that his dismissal by the bank after he lodged his claim meant that he had no reasonable prospects of success.

Court warns coal giant that reinstatement means providing work

The Federal Court has temporarily reinstated a CFMEU delegate to his position at Anglo Coal's Dawson mine in Central Queensland pending the hearing of his adverse action claim, and warned the company that it will need to provide him with his usual work to comply with its order.

Full Federal Court weighs up Toyota "no extra claims" clause

Toyota's best chance of overturning last year's ruling that stopped its employees voting on the company's proposed changes to its Altona enterprise agreement appear to rest with its argument that the "no extra claims" clause in the deal is directly inconsistent with the Fair Work Act, after other appeal grounds fell away in argument before the full Federal Court yesterday.