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Big fine for "deliberate" sham contracting

The Federal Circuit Court has imposed $313,500 in penalties on a company in the Roy Morgan Group for sham contracting, ruling the contraventions were deliberate and directed by senior management.

Serial fraudster pockets nearly half a million

In what four judges agree is an "extraordinary case" involving a "spectacularly bad witness" and a "serial fraudster", a Swan Hill shop assistant will keep almost half a million dollars in back pay and interest after a full Federal Court confirmed that she had not agreed to work for nothing.

Bench backs employer's right to nominate doctor

BHP Coal was entitled to direct a boilermaker to attend an appointment with a company-nominated physician to determine whether he was fit to return to work, and to then terminate his employment when he refused to go, a Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled.

Qantas worker's unfair dismissal claim not statute barred: Bench

An injured Qantas baggage handler who sought a review under state workers compensation law of a rehabilitation plan that would have transferred him to a new employer was not prevented by the Fair Work Act's "multiple actions" provisions from pursuing a federal unfair dismissal claim, a full bench of the FWC has ruled.

Bargaining continuing, as MUA offshore members go out

The MUA pushed ahead with a 24-hour strike at Tidewater Marine today, ahead of the broader dispute over bargaining in the offshore oil and gas service sector heading back to the Fair Work Commission.

Lawyer loses adverse action, bullying case

A court has found that a law firm acted quickly to investigate claims of harassment by one of its solicitors and was entitled to treat emails from her stating that the employment relationship had broken down as a resignation.

Fighting Coles warehouse worker wins job back

A senior member of the Fair Work Commission has reinstated a Coles forklift driver who was involved in a fight with a colleague, finding his dismissal harsh given his good record over 18 years of employment and his relatively passive role in the altercation.