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The time for protecting other people has ended: Heydon

A Cbus Super manager has again denied she collaborated in leaking personal information about Lis-Con employees to the CFMEU despite being warned by Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon that the "time for protecting other people had ended".

Director liable for underpayment: Court

The Federal Circuit Court has found the sole director of a delicatessen/cafe accessorily liable in an underpayment case spanning more than 30 years and four periods of industrial law.

Judge sends warning to hair and beauty industry with big fines

A long history of employee complaints and the need to send a strong message to the hair and beauty industry that "it does not pay to underpay workers" has led to a hairdressing chain being fined $70,000 for short-changing an apprentice more than $8,000.

CFMEU wins majority support determination for senior employees

Alcoa Australia has been ordered to bargain with the CFMEU for an enterprise agreement to cover 15 power supply operators at its regional Victorian plant after the Fair Work Commission granted the union a majority support determination.

Employee's "flagrant" copyright breach costs him $50,000

A software engineer breached his employment contract, his equitable duty of confidence, the Copyright Act and the Corporations Act when he downloaded more than 380,000 of his employer's files onto a hard drive, just before he resigned, a court has found.

Kitching claims HSU entry permit inquiry unlawful

The Fair Work Commission adjourned its inquiry into HSU Victorian No 1 branch entry permit applications this morning after branch general manager Kimberley Kitching indicated she would seek an urgent Federal Court order to compel the tribunal to rule on her argument that it has no jurisdiction to conduct the review.

Nationals senator to FWC panel member: "Pull your head in"

Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie says FWC expert panel member Tim Harcourt is still playing politics despite being counselled by tribunal president Iain Ross that some of his public comments are inconsistent with the Commission's code of conduct.