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DP World says MUA "conflicted" over in-sourcing proposal

Stevedore DP World has accused the MUA of scaremongering over plans for its employees to take over the roles of workers who moor ships at the Port of Melbourne and its installation of extra security cameras.

Manus Island unfair dismissal claim rejected

An unfair dismissal claim by a Manus Island offshore processing centre security advisor has failed after the FWC upheld the employer's jurisdictional objection that he wasn't sacked, but rather his contract had simply expired.

Road freight group warns of history repeating over rates exemption

A road freight group is warning it does not want a repeat of the abolished Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal, as it faces a court challenge to its bid to have members exempted from legislation extending minimum rates for owner-drivers and contractors throughout NSW.

MUA appeal against 'scab poster' penalties dismissed

The Full Court of the Federal Court has dismissed an appeal by the MUA over big penalties and compensation awarded to five workers named on "scab posters" during industrial action at Fremantle port in 2011.

Commission steers TWU "Ute-gate" case to Federal Court

The Fair Work Commission general manager has began civil penalty proceedings against two former WA secretaries of the TWU over allegations which include the purchase of two $150,000 "luxury utilities".